which is presented to you so that you can see more clearly and easily
the weaknesses you carry within you.
All those around me,
all the circumstances of my life,
all the people near me,
are a mirror held up to me by the Divine Consciousness
to show me the progress I must make.
It is remarkable that when we have a weakness
for example a ridiculous habit, a defect or an imperfection,
since it is more or less a part of our nature,
we consider it to be very natural.
But as soon as we see the same weakness, this same imperfection,
this same ridiculous habit in someone else,
it seems quite shocking to us and we say,
"What! He's like that?" without noticing we ourselves are like that.
And so to the weakness and imperfection
we add the absurdity or not even noticing them.
In a general and almost absolute way
anything that shocks you in other people
is the very thing you carry in yourself
in a more or less veiled, more or less hidden form,
though perhaps in a slightly different guise
which allows you to delude yourself.
And what in yourself seems inoffensive enough,
becomes monstrous as soon as you see it in others.
Everything that shocks me in others
means a work I have to do in myself.
We always find in others what is in us.
If we always find mud around us,
it proves that there is mud somewhere in us.
If you are sincere you will soon discover
that each of their failures is a sure sign
of a corresponding deficiency in yourself,
the proof that something in you
that each of their failures is a sure sign
of a corresponding deficiency in yourself,
the proof that something in you
is not perfect enough to be all-powerful.