Simple sincerity:
the beginning of all progress.
Before doing anything, beginning anything, trying anything,
be sure first of all that you are not only as sincere as you can be,
but have the intention of becoming still more so.
To be absolutely sincere
is not to have any division, any contradiction in one's being.
The moment you feel unhappy, you may write beneath it:
"I am not sincere."
These two sentences go together:
"I feel unhappy." "I am not sincere."
Sincerity is compared to an atmosphere or a sheet of glass.
If one or the other is completely transparent,
it lets light through without distorting it.
Similarly a sincere consciousness lets divine vibrations through
without distorting them.
Fundamentally, whatever path one follows...
if one wants it to be perfect...
there is but one way, one only, I know of only one:
that is perfect sincerity, but perfect sincerity!